Healing Crisis?
The medical term for healing crisis is the "Herxheimer Reaction." This occurs when the cells release toxins into circulation but the elimination organs (skin, lungs, liver, kidneys, bladder & GI tract) are not able to eliminate them quickly enough.
The healing crisis is very natural and unique for everyone. Most people experience very mild symptoms while others experience severe issues. You need to understand that these symptoms are temporary and will subside as the body gets healthier and toxins are eliminated. Symptoms usually reduce or are eliminated within two to three days but on rare occasions can last a few weeks. You may experience:
stiffness, aching muscles, tiredness
Shivery - this is due to blood capillaries opening up to increases blood flow to the muscles and the skin surface
frequent visits to the toilet - this allows your body to get rid of waste
runny nose / coughing - again this allows your body to get rid of toxins
your body is in a repairing phase and might take some time to re-adjust.
Relaxing, non-invasive, and natural, massage is an amazing way to aid your body, but it is not a replacement for regular medical care. And there are times when it is not advised to have a massage, or at least to double check with your doctor. To help you decide, I have listed some Total, Medical and Localised contraindications below.
Total Contraindications
When you have any of these conditions, please do not book a massage:
Contagious diseases - including colds or flu, no matter how mild it may seem
Under the influence of drugs or alcohol-including prescription pain medication
Recent operations or acute injuries
Neuritis - damage to the peripheral nervous system
Skin diseases
Botox & Fillers - if you have had it in the last 3 months, you cannot have a Natural Face Lift massage
Local Contraindications
Massage can be performed, but
not over any areas affected by:
Varicose veins
Undiagnosed lumps or bumps
Undiagnosed pain
Inflammation, including arthritis
Botox & Fillers - if you have had it in the last 3 months, you cannot have a general face massage.
Does a contraindication mean that treatment cannot take place?
Not all the time, in fact massage can be very therapeutic for many medical conditions. However, in the above cases it is best to have advice from your GP.
Unless they are also qualified doctors, massage therapists cannot - under law - attempt to diagnose a condition. We only do massage - but we do it very well!
Medical Contraindications
If you suffer from any of the following conditions, massage can only take place once it has been approved before your session in writing by your GP.
Cardio-vascular conditions (thrombosis, phlebitis, hypertension, heart conditions)
Any condition already being treated by a medical practitioner
Psoriasis or eczem
High blood pressure
Nervous or psychotic conditions
Heart problems, angina, those with pacemakers
Bell’s palsy, trapped or pinched nerves
Gynecological infection
Diabetes - please make sure you eat at least 1.5 hours before your massage and you bring any nesseseracy equipment with you, eg: insulin, glucose.